Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Chuck Blog

Last Day in Dubai – Chuck Rarick

Our short time here has shown us many interesting things, both from a business as well as a cultural point of view. The cultural contrast is most pronounced, but doing business in the Middle East has its own unique characteristics, from differences in financing to days of the week in which people work to differences in power and status. We have seen some of the challenges and some of the opportunities relative to conducting business here.


Today we finish up with a cultural tour, and then off to Abu Dhabi for another business visit. This visit deals with one of the three Ts of opportunity here, transportation/trade (the other two are technology and tourism). I think the group is running on less sleep than normal, and at least in my case, the long call for prayers very, very early in the morning gives me an early start to the day J


Looking forward to the second city on our trip!



1 comment:

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